

Crank It Up!

A Tennessee state task force on methamphetamine addiction focused on the supposed 'aphrodisiac' qualities of the drug at a recent meeting.

One obstetrician/minister(!) stated:

The effect of an IV hit of methamphetamine is the equivalent of 10 orgasms all on top of each other lasting for 30 minutes to an hour, with a feeling of arousal that lasts for another day and a half.

Now, how the fuck would she know that?

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Crank It Up!

A Tennessee state task force on methamphetamine addiction focused on the supposed 'aphrodisiac' qualities of the drug at a recent meeting.

One obstetrician/minister(!) stated:

The effect of an IV hit of methamphetamine is the equivalent of 10 orgasms all on top of each other lasting for 30 minutes to an hour, with a feeling of arousal that lasts for another day and a half.

Now, how the fuck would she know that?


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