

Herro! Rife Not Worth Riving

Nine out of 10 Chinese calling a suicide-prevention hotline in Beijing get a busy signal.

Suicide is one of the top five causes of death in mainland China. In Shanghai, a recent study found that 25% of children age 8 to 15 have contemplated suicide.

Rural Chinese women are the most likely suicides, probably because they're so hungry.

For their part, the Japanese appear to be forming internet suicide groups that encourage and abet potential suicides.

We prefer not to take suicide too seriously, but you must have already guessed that.
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Herro! Rife Not Worth Riving

Nine out of 10 Chinese calling a suicide-prevention hotline in Beijing get a busy signal.

Suicide is one of the top five causes of death in mainland China. In Shanghai, a recent study found that 25% of children age 8 to 15 have contemplated suicide.

Rural Chinese women are the most likely suicides, probably because they're so hungry.

For their part, the Japanese appear to be forming internet suicide groups that encourage and abet potential suicides.

We prefer not to take suicide too seriously, but you must have already guessed that.


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