

Targeting The Salvation Army

Mega-retailer Target had barred The Salvation Army from collecting donations outside its stores.

In a word to the outraged, let us point out that The Salvation Army is an evangelical Christian church, whose mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Salvation Army offers 'rehabilitation' to alcoholics in exchange for their captive audience, refuses to offer its staff health benefits for their gay partners, and in the past has received as much as $300 million in federal funding.

We say, 'Fuck The Salvation Army!'
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Targeting The Salvation Army

Mega-retailer Target had barred The Salvation Army from collecting donations outside its stores.

In a word to the outraged, let us point out that The Salvation Army is an evangelical Christian church, whose mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Salvation Army offers 'rehabilitation' to alcoholics in exchange for their captive audience, refuses to offer its staff health benefits for their gay partners, and in the past has received as much as $300 million in federal funding.

We say, 'Fuck The Salvation Army!'


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