

Untying the Knot

A judge in New York State has denied a woman a divorce from her husband, who has admitted to cheating on her. Damn - if only he had lied, or simply failed to tell her the truth, or at the very least he might have just told her a little white lie!

This is why marriage should be abolished. We feel most strongly about this: we even oppose gay marriage on the grounds that one should not have to be married in order to enjoy the civil rights that married couples do, regardless of the sexes of the people concerned.

Moralists and the state would like us all to be married, and society punishes those who are "single", both economically and socially - right now, that includes gay people, but once gays can marry, everyone who thinks marriage is a sham will be left out in the cold, without health insurance.
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Untying the Knot

A judge in New York State has denied a woman a divorce from her husband, who has admitted to cheating on her. Damn - if only he had lied, or simply failed to tell her the truth, or at the very least he might have just told her a little white lie!

This is why marriage should be abolished. We feel most strongly about this: we even oppose gay marriage on the grounds that one should not have to be married in order to enjoy the civil rights that married couples do, regardless of the sexes of the people concerned.

Moralists and the state would like us all to be married, and society punishes those who are "single", both economically and socially - right now, that includes gay people, but once gays can marry, everyone who thinks marriage is a sham will be left out in the cold, without health insurance.


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