

Kristmas Party Kock-Up

The British National Party, whose platform is 'to preserve the British race,' inadvertently hired a black DJ for its Christmas party.

Apparently, the DJ -- named Derek -- was a last-minute replacement, prompting a classic explanation: "It was a bit of a cock-up... he sounded white over the phone."

The BNP has fired back that the DJ 'proved most professional and was, in turn, treated with the utmost courtesy.'

'White-sounding,' professional, and named 'Derek': Bill Cosby would be proud!
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Kristmas Party Kock-Up

The British National Party, whose platform is 'to preserve the British race,' inadvertently hired a black DJ for its Christmas party.

Apparently, the DJ -- named Derek -- was a last-minute replacement, prompting a classic explanation: "It was a bit of a cock-up... he sounded white over the phone."

The BNP has fired back that the DJ 'proved most professional and was, in turn, treated with the utmost courtesy.'

'White-sounding,' professional, and named 'Derek': Bill Cosby would be proud!


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