

Born Yesterday

"I realized we had been scammed at about 2am after we sent the Western Union $6700.00...."

Dateline NBC ran a story last night on the so-called "International Lottery Scam" that is, naturally, "targeting the elderly."

Since when are the adjectives "old" and "stupid" mutually exclusive? Newsflash, Grampa: people do not call you on the telephone and ask you to buy $10,000 worth of lottery tickets.

If you can't get enough of the galling self-pity of the idiotic, we recommend the message boards over at Scam Victims United; they actually advocate that the FDIC reimburse them for those bounced Nigerian checks.

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Who Links Here? carefreemistrust: Born Yesterday


Born Yesterday

"I realized we had been scammed at about 2am after we sent the Western Union $6700.00...."

Dateline NBC ran a story last night on the so-called "International Lottery Scam" that is, naturally, "targeting the elderly."

Since when are the adjectives "old" and "stupid" mutually exclusive? Newsflash, Grampa: people do not call you on the telephone and ask you to buy $10,000 worth of lottery tickets.

If you can't get enough of the galling self-pity of the idiotic, we recommend the message boards over at Scam Victims United; they actually advocate that the FDIC reimburse them for those bounced Nigerian checks.


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