

S Rozhdestvom Khristovym!

Yes, Virginia, today is Christmas in the vowel-challenged part of the world.

The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity according to the Julian calendar.

Little-known fact: Russian icons are flat due not to lack of skill, but so that they can be easily viewed by all members of the congregation, regardless of their seating position in the church.

New Year, New Perversions

Now that Bush's reelection has eliminated the possibility of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, we can get back to enjoying life again!

For example, what better time to experiment with the bestiality lifestyle? ZooSkool is the on-line resource for bestiality information, and 'a support centre for people who enjoy (or are interested in) the act of physical love between human beings and animals.'

ZooSkool is not for the faint of heart. You may never be able to look a dog in the eye again.

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Who Links Here? carefreemistrust: 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005


S Rozhdestvom Khristovym!

Yes, Virginia, today is Christmas in the vowel-challenged part of the world.

The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity according to the Julian calendar.

Little-known fact: Russian icons are flat due not to lack of skill, but so that they can be easily viewed by all members of the congregation, regardless of their seating position in the church.

New Year, New Perversions

Now that Bush's reelection has eliminated the possibility of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, we can get back to enjoying life again!

For example, what better time to experiment with the bestiality lifestyle? ZooSkool is the on-line resource for bestiality information, and 'a support centre for people who enjoy (or are interested in) the act of physical love between human beings and animals.'

ZooSkool is not for the faint of heart. You may never be able to look a dog in the eye again.